Lambing advise from Westpoint Farm Vets

Getting the lambing facilities ready

Key Rules for colostrum feeding: Quality, Quantity, Quickly

Suggestions for use of oral antibiotics in prevention of watery mouth

  1. Identify low and high risk lambs in order to target treatments
  2. Try to step away from blanket treatment of all lambs at birth as it is not appropriate for all lambs to be treated routinely from the start of a new lambing season.
  3. Lower risk lambs: have received adequate colostrum, are fit and healthy single lambs, born in the first week of lambing into clean, dry and well-sheltered environment
  4. Antibiotics against watery mouth should be reserved for priority cases, targeted towards high risk lambs: triplet or low birth weight lambs that are born later on in lambing period with more challenging environmental conditions into group with recent clinical cases; lambs born to thin and/or poorly fed ewes.

Ask your vet for guidance for your flock

1 is safer than from cows; should come from CAE-accredited herds

2 should be pooled and as it is not as concentrated, then 30% more needed to make up the energy; should come from a Johne’s free herd

3 are expensive and often relatively poor in both energy and antibody content

1st February 2021
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