Prorumen Powder 150gm
Can be used as an aid to recovery and with the management of ruminal flora, an example of which may be following antibiotic therapy.
Also provides additional microflora directly into the rumen, which get to work immediately in-aiding the digestion of herbage. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (live yeast), works by supporting the activity of beneficial rumen bacteria and stabilising the rumen environment....
Provita Rumen Stimulant
A complex powder formulation using a wide range of ingredients to counteract a rumen disfunction in cattle and sheep. Use at the first sign of rumen stasis or after calving, lambing, change of diet, transportaion, antibiotics ot after operations.
give energy to aid recovery and stimulate indiginous beneficial bacteria.
Brewers yeast
stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria...