Recofast 100ml
Recofast liquid pump is designed to aid piglets and lambs recovering from diarrhoea.
Natural astringents bind to the liquid gut contents and help the animal to produce more normal faeces.
The pump action dispenser allows for easy and accurate dosing.
Rice flour, Ground carob and Carrot flour (which act as astringents and as carbohydrate sources).
Essence of Syzygium...
Recofast Entericum 100g
Recofast is a symptomatic supplement for diarrhoea in calves, pigs, lambs, kids and foals, containing several natural astringents which bind to the liquid gut contents and help the animal to produce more normal faeces.
Electrolytes in the product replace those lost in the diarrhea.
Mixed in a small volume of warm water and given once or twice daily, Recofast helps the animal recover more quickly...