Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Dairy Cows 12 Pack
A short term, sustained release bolus containing calcium. Intended for use in adult dairy cows at calving.
Agrimin 24-7 Calcium boluses are for use in dairy cows over 400kg body weight.
Always use the recommended Agrimin cattle bolus applicator C.
Bovikalc Bolus 4 pack
Bovikalc delivers 42g of available calcium in each bolus to help reduce the risk of milk fever.
Each bolus also has an acidifying effect, much like a DCAD diet has, which helps the cow to mobilise her own calcium reserves.
The bolus dissolves in the rumen within 20-30 minutes and helps to raise blood calcium levels over a prolonged period of time.
Calcibel 240/60/60 mg/ml Solution 500ml
For the treatment of acute hypocalcaemia in cattle, sheep, goat, pig and horse.
Calciject 40 (No.2) 12 x 400ml pack
Indicated in the treatment of hypocalcaemia in cattle.
Calciject 40 CM (No.5) 12 x 400ml pack
Calciject 40 CM is indicated in the treatment of hypocalcaemia in cattle where increased blood magnesium levels are also required.
Calcitrace D3 Bolus 175g x 4 pack
Use Calcitrace D3 Bolus to reduce the risk of milk fever (clinical and subclinical), and also as supportive therapy following Calciject® 40 CM infusion.
High content levels: 45g calcium, 40,000 iu vitamin D3 per bolus.
Combination of fast-release calcium formate and calcium acetate and slow-release calcium sulphate for a consistent calcium supply. Does not contain caustic calcium chloride.
Calcitrace P Liquid 500ml x 4 pack
Use Calcitrace P Liquid to reduce the risk of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcaemia.
High content of calcium and phosphorous.
High level of highly available sources of calcium.
Each 500ml bottle contains 59g calcium and 45g phosphorous.
Megacal M Injection 100ml x 12 pack
For the treatment of hypocalcaemia and as an aid in raising blood magnesium levels where a deficiency may be expected.
Provita Bovical 500ml
An oral liquid supplement to reduce the risk of milk fever in cattle and hypocalcaemia in cattle and sheep.
In cattle use immediately before or after calving.
In sheep use immediately on appearance of hypocalcaemia symptoms.
50mg calcium per 500ml bottle in a unique soft drencing bottle that ensures quick and easy oral application.
The calcium is organically bound which ensures it is...
Prorumen Powder 150gm
Can be used as an aid to recovery and with the management of ruminal flora, an example of which may be following antibiotic therapy.
Also provides additional microflora directly into the rumen, which get to work immediately in-aiding the digestion of herbage. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (live yeast), works by supporting the activity of beneficial rumen bacteria and stabilising the rumen environment....
Provita Rumen Stimulant
A complex powder formulation using a wide range of ingredients to counteract a rumen disfunction in cattle and sheep. Use at the first sign of rumen stasis or after calving, lambing, change of diet, transportaion, antibiotics ot after operations.
give energy to aid recovery and stimulate indiginous beneficial bacteria.
Brewers yeast
stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria...
CetoPhyton 1L
Ceto Phyton is a dietetic supplement to reduce the risk of ketosis (Acetonaemia) in cattle and sheep.
No other supplement contains the four constituents of sodium propionate, niacin, sylibum marianum, (the active ingredient in milk thistle) and monopropylene glycol, making it more effective than propylene glycol only products.
Niacin and sylibum marianum help break the energy deficiency cycle...
Propylene Glycol
Energy drench for all ruminants including fresh cows
Provita Energy Plus
Provita Energy Plus is a nutritional supplement providing an instantly available energy source to cows with ketosis or to help counteract metabolic stress in pregnant ewes.
It contains energy sources that can be rapidly converted to glucose in the liver, supplying high levels of blood sugar without the harmful over production of Ketone bodies.
Cobalt and B12 also counteract deficiencies which...
Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace Cattle 10 pack
Price drop - was £63.09
Nettex Endurabol High Iodine 20 pack
Nettex Endurabol High Iodine provides a sustained release of high levels of six trace elements and three vitamins from a unique single point erosion technology giving up to 180 days [6 months] supplementation.
Tracesure Cu/I Bolus for Cattle 20 pack
Tracesure Cu/I is a ruminal bolus for cattle, providing slow release supplementation of copper, iodine, selenium and cobalt.
Where dietary intake of copper, iodine, selenium or cobalt is low, or where utilization of iodine is depressed by forage goitrogens, or where forage has a high molybdenum content, the health and productivity of the animal may be improved by supplementation of these elements.
Magniject No 9 Injection 400ml x 12 pack
Magniject is indicated in the treatment of hypomagnesaemia in cattle and sheep
Optimag Bolus 10 pack
For use in adult cattle as an aid in the maintenance of magnesium intake during the high risk periods associated with the grazing of rapidly growing grass, by the provision of a slow release depot of magnesium.
Rumbul Rumen Bullet Sheep and Calf 20 pack
A sustained release bolus containing an alloy of magnesium, copper and aluminium.
Licenced to aid the prevention of hypomagnesaemia in sheep and calves grazing rapidly growing spring grass.
Helps manage the magnesium status of their flock or herd over high risk periods.
This product is suitable for:
• Sheep over 30 kg AND
• Calves over 50 kg
Always use the approved Agrimin applicator:
Rumbul Rumen Bullets Cattle 10 pack
A sustained release bolus containing an alloy of magnesium, copper and aluminium.
Licenced to aid the prevention of hypomagnesaemia in cows grazing rapidly growing spring grass.
Helps manage the magnesium status of their herd over high risk periods.
Intended for use in cattle over 300 kg.
Always use the approved Agrimin cattle bolus Applicator A.
Provita Boviphos 500ml
An oral phosphorus liquid supplement to be used along with calcium infusion as an aid in the recovery of recumbant cows where phosporus deficiency is supected.
Contains 45g phosporus and 55g calcium to maximise the phosphorus absorption.
Absorbed within 1 hour together with delayed releaase for 2 - 6 hours.
Exceptionally palatable, so it is readily accepted and swallowed by the cow.
Agrimin 24-7 Smartrace PLUS Cattle 10 pack
Price drop - was £73.50
Agrimin All Trace Biotin Gold 20 pack
In-vivo dissolution studies have shown that All-Trace Biotin Gold delivers the target level of 20mg per head per day of biotin over 120 days.
AllTrace Biotin Gold also delivers the full daily requirement of copper, cobalt, selenium and iodine and useful contributions of zinc, manganese and vitamins A, D3 and E.
Agrimin Smartrace Growing Cattle 10 pack
A sustained release bolus containing iodine, cobalt and selenium. Intended for growing cattle on grass or forage-based diets with a liveweight of 200 – 400 kg.
designed for situations where iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential for efficient growth, optimum health and fertility but where additional copper is not required.
supplies the animal’s full daily requirement...
Agrimin Smartrace Plus Growing Cattle 10 pack
A sustained release bolus containing copper, iodine, selenium and cobalt. Intended for growing cattle on grass or forage based diets 200-400kg liveweight.
Supplies the animal's daily requirement of each essential trace element for 180days.
Boluses are designed to lie in the reticulum. The wrapper on the bolus dissolves and the bolus breaks into two parts. These erode and dissolve thus providing...
All Trace Bolus Cattle 20 pack
A sustained release bolus containing 6 trace elements and 3 vitamins.
Designed for grazing or forage fed livestock.
All-Trace helps farmers manage the trace element status of their herd over critical periods of the production cycle.
All Trace Dry Cow Bolus 20 pack
A sustained release bolus containing six trace elements and three vitamins. Designed for grazing or forage fed dry dairy cows and dairy heifers with a liveweight over 400 kg.
Easier, cleaner calvings
Strong, healthy calves
Reduced calving spread
Optimise conception rates
Optimise general condition
Both boluses applied in one single, simple application
Cows can be given boluses at...
All Trace High Iodine Bolus 20 pack
A sustained release bolus containing 6 trace elements and 3 vitamins. Designed for grazing or forage fed livestock where an imbalance of iodine affects animal productivity. High Iodine All-Trace helps farmers manage the trace element status of their herd over critical periods of the production cycle.
Low levels of iodine in pasture will generally result in low levels in cattle grazing or being fed...
All Trace Organic Bolus 20 pack
A sustained release bolus containing 6 trace elements.
All-Trace is the only trace element bolus approved by the Organic Farmers and Growers Association and is compliant with current EC Standards.
Designed for organically reared, grazing or forage fed livestock .
All-Trace for Organic Cattle helps farmers manage the trace element status of their herd over critical periods of the production...
Cose I cure Cattle Bolus 20 pack
For the supply of copper, cobalt, selenium and iodine in cattle. The bolus supplies these trace elements at a controlled and constant rate for up to 6 months.
Boluses contain:
13.4% Ionic Copper
0.50% Ionic Cobalt
0.15% Selenium (as sodium selenate)
1.00% Iodine (as calcium iodate)
delivers exactly the same amount of copper, cobalt and selenium every single day, at...
Cosecure Cattle Bolus 20 pack
A broad spectrum trace element bolus for adult cattle.
Duphalyte Injection 500ml
As supportive maintenance therapy in conditions of fluid loss in cattle and swine.
Nettex Endurabol Cattle 20 pack
Nettex Edurabol Cattle bolus provides a sustained release of high levels of six trace elements and three vitamins from a unique single point erosion technology giving up to 240 days [8 months] supplementation.
Nettex Endurabol Organic 20 pack
Nettex Endurabol Organic supports a healthy immune system. Endurabol boluses are formed in a single construction with single point erosion, meaning they break down to provide a consistent 120-140 day supply of six trace elements and three vitamins.
Active for up to 180 days.
Approved for use in organic system.
Suitable for all cattle over 150kg
Tracesure Cu/I Calf 20 pack
Tracesure Cu/I Calf intra-ruminal leaching boluses use a unique and proven leaching technology, to provide slow release supplementation of the 4 essential trace elements at known and optimum levels for approximately 6 months with a single application. Use with calves over 75kg when trace element supplementation is indicated and copper is required.
Tracesure Cu/I Calf boluses are easily given to...
Tracesure I Cattle 55g 10 pack
An intraruminal bolus supplement for cattle providing a continuous supply of bioavailable iodine, selenium and cobalt for up to 6 months.
Trace elements are released from the bolus by leaching, providing dietary supplementation.
Multimin Injection 100ml
Supply of trace minerals to correct concurrent clinical or subclinical deficiencies of selenium, copper, manganese and zinc which can arise during critical phases of the production or breeding life cycle.
Additional copper, zinc, manganese or selenium should not be administered at the same time.
Vitamin B1 Injection 50ml
For the treatment of cerebrocortical necrosis in cattle and sheep and as an adjunct in metabolic disorders in cattle.