Agrimin Cattle Bolus - Applicator A
Suitable for use with the following Agrimin products.
Smartrace Adult Cattle
Smatrace Plus Adult Cattle
.Smartrace Growing Cattle
Smartrace Plus Growing Cattle
All-Trace Cattle Boluses (Full range)
Rumbul Cattle
Applicator is supplied with a 3 years manufacturer guarantee. Details of the guarantee will be supplied with the product.
Agrimin Cattle Bolus - Applicator B
Suitable for use with the following Agrimin products.
24-7 Copper cattle Boluses.
Smartrace Plus Calf
Rumbul Sheep/Calves
Applicator is supplied with a 3 years manufacturer guarantee. Details of the guarantee will be supplied with the product.
Agrimin Cattle Bolus - Applicator C
Suitable for use with the following Agrimin products.
24-7 Calcium Dairy Cows
Applicator is supplied with a 3 years manufacturer guarantee. Details of the guarantee will be supplied with the product.
Agrimin Sheep / Lamb Adaptor Head Cup C
The screw-on adaptor heads are interchangeable, allowing for one sheep/lamb bolus applicator to be used for all of this product range.
Agrimin Sheep Bolus - Applicator A
Suitable for use with the following Agrimin products.
Smartrace Adult Sheep
Smartrace Plus Adult Sheep
Applicator is supplied with a 3 years manufacturer guarantee. Details of the guarantee will be supplied with the product.
Agrimin Sheep Bolus - Applicator B
Use with Agrimin 24-7 Copper Sheep
Animax Calf Bolus Applicator
Calf applicator for Animax Tracesure bolus
Animax Cattle Bolus Applicator
Animax cattle bolus applicator for use with Copasure & Tracesure cattle boluses.
Animax Universal Sheep / Lamb Bolus Applicator
For use with Tracesure sheep range
Bovikalc Bolus Applicator
Applicator for use with Bovikalc and Bovikalc Dry Boluses.
Calcitrace Bolus Gun
Use for administration of Calcitrace D3 Boluses
Cosecure Cattle Bolus Gun
For application of Cosecure Cattle Bolus.
CoseIcure Cattle Bolus Gun
For application of CosIecure Cattle Bolus.
CoseIcure Sheep Bolus Gun
For use with CosIecure Sheep bolus, for correct administration
Kexxtone Bolus Gun
For application of Kexxtone blouses.
Nettex Endurabol Cattle Applicator
For application of Endurabol cattle boluses
Panacur Bolus Applicator
Applicator for use with Panacur boluses
Synulox Bolus Applicator
Applicator for use with Synulox Bolus